Our range of available New Zealand-sourced animal derivative products includes:
Adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla or whole adrenal gland
Amniotic fluid, umbilical cord (whole or separated into components)
Blood and blood product - all species and ages
Connective tissue - cartilage, ligaments and tendons
Deer pizzles, sinews, purses, glands to order - frozen or dried
Deer velvet extract
Eye components - including retina, optic nerve, lens,
choroids/tapetum, aqueous and vitreous humour, sclera as separate items
Mucous membrane
Ovary (sorted into stage of cycle if required)
Pancreas (separated or whole - acid-dipped if required)
Pituitary glands (can be separated into anterior/posterior)
Various other brain glands including basal ganglia, diencephalons,
thalamus, mid brain, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, pineal gland,
specific cognitive areas, hippocampus, etc.
Placenta powder - all species
Foetus and specific tissues - all species
Heart, liver, lung, spleen, testicles - all species
Hyaluronic acid-rich tissue
Live animals and genetics - embryos, semen are also available (subject to local import restrictions)